March For Our Lives 2018
This past weekend I started the trek from Nashville back to my hometown of Fredonia, NY. I was so excited because it was my sweet baby niece's dedication ceremony and I am her God Mama! ❤️
I called my Mom on the way home and we talked for a bit. She asked me if I wanted to go to the March for Our Lives with her in Dunkirk. (The town next door.) I was so floored. I was bummed to be missing the March in Nashville and I was immediately so proud of my hometown community to be banding together for the children.
I went with my Mom and we walked with my sister Leah, her wife Heather and their two kids. It was so inspiring. We opened up the march by singing songs and then walked through the community. (Check out the video up above to see what our experience was like.)
After the march, there were a few speeches and then they had an "open mic" for students to speak. Oh my goodness hearing these students of all ages, elementary school kids up through college kids speak, it was really moving. They made one thing VERY clear. They're scared. They are really scared to go to school.
The community I grew up in can be fairly conservative. A lot of hunting and responsible gun owners that I know well and grew up with. And I have zero issues with that. But hopefully we can have some regulations put in place so these kiddos don't have to live in this kind of fear. And most importantly, so that not one more life is taken.
This is a scary issue to talk about, people are SO passionate on both sides. But I encourage you all to have the conversation, as awkward/painful as it might be. There is a middle ground that can be reached and I hope that we can all reach it together and #LoveKidsMore.
Did you guys march this weekend? What are your thoughts on this issue?
All my 💖,