I Did Something Bad: Cover

Remember when Taylor Swift was 14 years old and everyone in Nashville loved talking sh*t about how her dad paid for her record deal and all about how she couldn't sing? I do. And man, do I love an underdog. Especially when said underdog becomes the biggest superstar in the world. SO. INSPIRING. 

And it was so fun to watch a few years back when she released 1989, when all the haters stopped talking crap, and started paying attention.  Really, every single song on that record is great. So when she released Reputation, I'll be the first to admit I was worried. How would it compare to 1989? Could she do it again? I don't know what I was worried about. It's Taylor Swift. Of course she can. With one hand tied behind her back. Reputation is another great record and one of my favs to jam out to in the car or have spontaneous (ok ok extremely planned out) dance parties with my gals. 

And here's the thing. I don't even really listen to pop music. I'm always the girl in the room who's never heard the song that's been on pop radio for like 6 months. It's not that I don't like the genre, I do. It's just not the place my singer/songwriter obsessed heart goes first. But Taylor's music is just too damn hooky to ignore. And that's what leads me to why I picked this song to cover.

It really just comes down to the melody for me. I'm a melody snob. And as soon as I heard this song I was dying to turn it into a ballad. The cool thing about this song is, the melody is so great that it works just as well as a really pretty, moody slow song as it does a pop smash!

Which gave me a thought. I LOVE as I call it, "Sad Bastard Music" (um hello, get drunk and cry???). So what if I started doing a youtube series where I turned happy, uptempo songs into super sad dark depressing ballads? Ummm sounds like SO much fun right? Sad Bastard Saturday anyone? 🍷 🍷 🍷

So here's the cover! Let me know if the comments what your favorite Taylor song is and also what happy song I should destroy into a deep sea of sadness next!! 😉

All my 💖,
